Although most cars aren’t nearly as expensive as homes, people still will very commonly get a loan when buying a new vehicle just like they would when buying a new house. But just because the loan you’re getting likely isn’t as large when you’re getting a new car doesn’t mean that you should take it any less seriously. Since you’ll be paying for this car for months and months, it’s wise to ensure that you’re setting yourself up for financial success.
To show you how this can be done, here are three things to consider when getting a car loan.
Find The Right Lender
When getting a car loan, the first thing you should be concerned with is finding the right lender to work with.
According to Justin Pritchard, a contributor to The Balance, you can either get financing through whatever dealership you choose to buy your car from or you can secure your own financing through a financial institution. Places like banks, credit unions, or online lenders are all available for you to get a car loan from. But depending on your exact financial situation, your credit score, and other variables, the right lender for you may differ from the right lender for others. So before you settle on who you want to work with for your car loan, make sure you see what all of your options are and figure out what’s going to be the best for you in the long run.
Always Ask For A Lower Rate
Once you’ve determined what time to financing you want to use for your car loan, your next priority should be to figure out what the lowest possible interest rate you can qualify for is.
For people that don’t have good credit scores when they’re attempting to get a car loan, David Weliver, a contributor to Money Under 30, shares that you might be tempted to just take whatever interest rate you’re first given so that you can get a car loan and acquire the vehicle you need. However, Weliver recommends that you always ask your lender if there’s any loan with a lower interest rate that you qualify for. By doing this, you’ll ensure that you don’t leave any money on the table when getting a car loan.
Think About How Long You’ll Have This Car
Just because you qualify for a certain amount when getting a car loan doesn’t mean that you should plan on spending that amount of money on a car. Usually, people can get approved for more money on their car loan than is smart for them to spend.
To figure out how much you really should be spending and how much of a loan will be right for you, Reyna Gobel, a contributor to, recommends that you think about how long you typically own a car for. If you’re planning on owning the car until it stops running, you can probably get a bigger loan with a longer repayment period. But if you’re only planning on having the car for a short period of time, you may want to get a smaller loan that you can quickly pay back.
If you’re going to get a loan for a car in the near future, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you make the right choices here.